Scripture Verse

I will sing aloud of Thy mercy in the morning. Psalm 59:16


Louisa P. Loring (1854–1924)

Words: Lou­isa P. Lo­ring, 1902.

Music: Church Vi­gi­lant Charles L. Zieg­ler, 1902 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Zieg­ler (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O Thou who turn­est in­to morn­ing
The sha­dows of the pass­ing night,
Again to con­scious life re­turn­ing,
We bless Thee for the new­born light.

Grant us that light, to all un­fail­ing
Who seek to do Thy per­fect will,
That we, o’er doubt and fear pre­vail­ing,
May trust Thy good above all ill;

That we may of­fer Thee thanks­giv­ing
Beyond our pray­ers and songs that rise
In great­er faith­ful­ness of liv­ing,
In deep­er love through sac­ri­fice.