Scripture Verse

Watch…for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. Matthew 24:42


Words & Mu­sic: Frank M. Da­vis, in The Pri­mi­tive Hymns, Spi­ri­tu­al Songs and Sacr­ed Poems, ed­it­ed by B. Lloyd (La Me­sa, Ca­li­fo­rnia: 1858) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Frank M. Davis (1839–1896)


O, to be robed and rea­dy,
Ready when the Lord shall come;
O, to be wait­ing, watch­ing,
Watching for the sum­mons home.


O, to be rea­dy, O, to be wait­ing,
Waiting for the Lord to come;
O, to be wait­ing, watch­ing,
Watching for the sum­mons home.

O, to be robed and rea­dy,
Ready for the call to go;
Washed in the crim­son fount­ain,
Till ev­ery stain is white as snow.


O, to be robed and rea­dy,
Ready, for it may be near;
When in a cloud of glo­ry
Blessèd Je­sus shall ap­pear.


O, to be robed and rea­dy,
Ready for eter­nal rest;
Ready to join the ran­somed
In the ci­ty of the blest.
