Thou canst not see My face: for there shall no man see Me, and live.
Exodus 33:20
Words: Charles Wesley, Hymns and Sacred Poems (Bristol, England: Felix Farley, 1742), pages 20–22: Moriar ut Te Videam
(Let me die, that I may see Thee
), attributed to St. Augustine.
Music: Adoro Te (Barnby) Joseph Barnby, 1872 (🔊 pdf nwc).
O Thou, who know’st what is in man,
Who searchest out the reins and heart,
Me, Jesu, to myself explain,
A ray of heavenly light impart;
Impart Thyself, Thou real light,
And manifest my nature’s night.
Cause me, O God, myself to know,
The depth of wickedness within,
Show me, my inmost substance show,
Th’exceeding sinfulness of sin:
Such power belongs to Thee alone;
Show me that sin and I are one.
Senseless alike of sin and Thee,
My unawakened soul remains
Fast bound in sin, and misery;
I slumber on, nor feel my chains,
Nor taste nor see how good Thou art,
For still the veil is on my heart.
Oh! Might my heart at last relent,
And feel the guilty mountain-load.
Oh! That Thy powerful Word might rent
The veil, and let me into God;
The glories of Thy face display,
The brightness of eternal day!
I know the terms: I cannot see
Thy blissful face, and live—in sin:
A flaming sword preserves the tree
Of life, lest self should enter in;
It keeps out self, and every way
It turns, the man of sin to slay.
Be it according to Thy Word,
Ready to meet my doom I am.
Oh! Let me rush upon that sword,
And feel the sin-consuming flame;
Live only Christ in me, not I;
O let me see Thy face and die!
Die all of self to live no more,
Die the old man no more to rise;
Me to Thine image here restore,
Receive me to Thy paradise,
(Whence I may never more remove)
The paradise of perfect love.