Scripture Verse

Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27


Words: Will­iam H. Bath­urst, 1831.

Music: Che­shire Es­te’s Psal­ter, 1592 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William H. Bathurst (1796–1877)


O Sav­ior, may we ne­ver rest
Till Thou art formed with­in,
Till Thou hast calmed our trou­bled breast,
And crushed the pow­er of sin.

O may we gaze up­on Thy cross,
Until the won­drous sight
Makes earth­ly trea­sures seem but dross,
And earth­ly sor­rows light.

Until, re­leased from car­nal ties,
Our spir­it up­ward springs,
And sees true peace above the skies,
True joy in hea­ven­ly things.

There as we gaze, may we be­come
United, Lord, to Thee,
And, in a fair­er, hap­pi­er home,
Thy per­fect beau­ty see.