Scripture Verse

Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10


Thomas Lynch (1818–1871)

Words: Thomas T. Lynch, The Ri­vu­let (Lon­don: Ro­bert Theo­bald, 1855), num­ber 64.

Music: Noon­tide Pe­ter A. Schneck­er, 1895 (🔊 pdf nwc). Ap­peared in Praise Songs, ed­it­ed by Ar­thur H. Dad­mun (New York: May­nard, Mer­rill, 1897), num­ber 4.

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Schneck­er,


Oh, rest a while, but on­ly for a while;
Life’s bu­si­ness press­es, and the time is short:
Ease may the wea­ry of re­ward be­guile;
Let not the work­man lose what he has wrought.

Rest for a while, if on­ly for a while.
The strong birds tire, and glad­ly seek their nest:
With qui­et heart en­joy Heav­en’s qui­et smile;
What strength has he who ne­ver takes his rest?

Rest for a while, though ’tis but for a while;
Home flies the bee, then soon re-quits the hive:
Rest on thy staff, walk then ano­ther mile;
Soon will the long, the fi­nal rest ar­rive.

Oh, rest awhile, for rest is self-re­turn;
Leave the loud world, and vi­sit thine own breast;
The mean­ing of thy la­bors thou wilt learn,
When thus at peace, with Je­sus for thy guest.