Scripture Verse

Jesus, who is taken up from you into Heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into Heaven. Acts 1:11


Words: Sam­uel J. Stone, Ly­ra Fi­de­li­um (Lon­don: Par­ker, 1866), pag­es 24 and 26.

Music: Brock­ham Je­re­mi­ah Clarke, Di­vine Com­pan­ion, se­cond edi­tion, 1707 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Samuel Stone (1839–1900)


Ascension of Jesus

On Olivet a lit­tle band
Around their ris­en Mas­ter stand:
And af­ter charge and bless­ing giv’n,
He pass­eth from them in­to Heav’n.

Wistful their eyes, but an­gels twain
Cheer them with glo­ri­ous words: Again
One day shall Je­sus ev­en so
Return, as ye have seen Him go.

Till then in Heav’n He doth re­main,
True God, at God’s right hand to reign,
True Man, at hu­man woes to grieve,
True God, al­migh­ty to re­lieve.

For ev­ery soul in ev­ery need
He ev­er lives to in­ter­cede,
Presenting there with­in the veil
A sac­ri­fice that can­not fail.

Our heav’n­ly great high priest He stands:
By pierc­èd feet, and pierc­èd hands,
By bleed­ing brow and riv­en side,
He lives to plead for whom He died!

Whom have we, Lord, in Heav’n but Thee?
Like ships safe moored on stor­my sea
Our souls in per­il, with Thee there
Find an­chor­age of hope and pray­er.

Set loose from earth, and ev­er­more
Fast bound to that eter­nal shore,
So all our life and love shall be,
Ascended Mas­ter, hid with Thee!