Scripture Verse

Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20


Luther O. Emerson (1820–1915)

Words: Mo­ses Che­ney, in The Chris­tian’s Pock­et Com­pan­ion, ed­it­ed by Jo­seph C. Royce (En­field, Con­nec­ti­cut: John Howe, 1826).

Music: Ma­lone Lu­ther O. Em­er­son, 1869 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Moses Cheney (1776–1856)


Once more in the Re­deemer’s name,
Dear breth­ren, we have met again,
To speak, and pray, and sing;
Now let each one ob­ey the call,
Of Him who tast­ed death for all,
Our ev­er­last­ing king.

Since I was here, how have you done?
How have you walked, how have you run?
Or, like the ea­gle, flew,
Or have you fell in de­spond’s slough?
Then look to Him who sees you now,
To raise your minds anew.

What kind of man­na have you had?
Come tell me whe­ther good or bad;
The source from whence it came;
Have you been fed from Christ above,
By those who say they came in love,
To lead along the lame?

Does un­ion in your hearts abound,
As once it did to hear the sound,
Of trem­bling groans and cries?
When all as one, to Christ did go,
To save them from that dread­ful woe
And wipe their weep­ing eyes?

Christ cru­ci­fied is what I know,
His cause the rea­son why I go,
O’er hills and val­leys through;
’Tis for His cause I leave my home,
To sound His fame, for this I roam;
For this I come to you.

And while I’m called to leave my home,
And o’er cre­ation wide to roam,
My friends may think of me,
Not know­ing what or how I do,
While I am come to vi­sit you
And preach the Gos­pel free.

O Je­sus, come fill all our souls,
May we all be like gold­en bowls,
Around Thine al­tar strung;
Our cups o’er­flow with love sin­cere,
Till we shall sing sal­va­tion clear,
In ev­er­last­ing songs.