Scripture Verse

O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, show Thyself. Psalm 94:1


Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 253.

Music: Be­loit Karl G. Reis­sig­er (1798–1859) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know when the mu­sic was writ­ten,


O Lord, Thou judge of all the earth,
To whom all ven­geance doth be­long,
Arise and show Thy glo­ry forth,
Requite the proud, con­demn the wrong.

How long, O Lord, in boast­ful pride
Shall wick­ed men tri­um­phant stand?
How long shall they aff­lict thy saints
And scorn Thy wrath, Thy dread­ful hand?

The wi­dow and the fa­ther­less
They slay, and help­less stran­gers smite;
The faith­ful God they do not fear,
They say the Lord will not re­quite.

Be wise, ye fools and brut­ish men;
Shall not He see who formed the eye?
Shall not He hear who formed the ear,
And judge, who reign­eth, God most high?

The Lord will judge in right­eous­ness,
From Him all truth and know­ledge flow;
The fool­ish thoughts of wick­ed men,
How vain they are the Lord doth know.

That man is blest whom Thou, O Lord,
With chas­ten­ing hand dost teach Thy will,
For in the day when sin­ners fall
That man in peace abid­eth still.

The Lord will not cast off His own,
Nor His in­he­ri­tance for­sake;
Just judg­ment shall at length pre­vail,
And up­right hearts shall cour­age take.

Who will arise for my de­fense
Against the wick­ed in the land?
Against ini­qui­ty and wrong
What main for me will val­iant stand?

Unless the Lord had been my help,
My life had quick­ly passed away;
But when my foot had al­most slipped,
O Lord, Thy mer­cy was my stay.

Amid the doubts that fill my mind
Thy com­forts, Lord, bring joy to me;
Can wick­ed­ness, though throned in might,
Have fel­low­ship, O Lord, with Thee?

The wick­ed, in their might ar­rayed,
Against the right­eous join their pow­er,
But to the Lord I flee for help,
He is my re­fuge and my tow­er.

Our God, the re­fuge of His saints,
Will fight against ini­qui­ty;
Avenger of the in­no­cent
The Lord om­ni­po­tent will be.