Scripture Verse

I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me. Matthew 25:42–43


John F. Bridge (1844–1924)

Words: From A Col­lect­ion of Hymns for Pub­lic and Pri­vate Wor­ship, by An­drew Kip­pis, 1795 (some­times in­cor­rect­ly at­trib­ut­ed to Si­mon Browne).

Music: Ol­ney (Gou­nod) Charles F. Gou­nod (1818–1893), ar­ranged by J. Fred­er­ick Bridge, 1897 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles F. Gounod (1818–1893)


O how can they look up to Heav’n,
And ask for mer­cy there,
Who ne­ver soothed the poor man’s pang,
Nor dried the or­phan’s tear?

The dread om­ni­po­tence of Heav’n
We ev­ery hour pro­voke;
Yet still the mer­cy of our God
Withholds the av­eng­ing stroke.

And Christ was still the heal­ing friend
Of po­ver­ty and pain;
And ne­ver did im­plor­ing soul
His gar­ment touch in vain.

May we with hum­ble ef­fort take
Example from above;
And thence the ac­tive les­son learn
Of cha­ri­ty and love!

But chief­ly be the la­bor ours
To shade the ear­ly plant;
To guard from ig­no­rance and guilt
The in­fan­cy of want;

To graft the vir­tues, ere the bud
The cank­er worm has gnawed,
And teach the res­cued child to lisp
Its gra­ti­tude to God.