Scripture Verse

He took bread, and gave thanks, and broke it, and gave unto them, saying, This is My body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of Me. Luke 22:19


Words: Ro­bert Brown-Borth­wick, 1870.

Music: Sa­mer W. Bat­ti­son Haynes, 1892 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Brown-Borthwick or Haynes (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O ho­ly Je­su, Prince of Peace!
Thy peace be with us
Gathering round Thy board,
Here, where the pre­sence of an un­seen Lord
Waits to be gra­cious,
Charged with full re­lease
To ev­ery hea­vy la­den soul
Which here re­mem­bers Thee.

Once more, as in that up­per room,
Thou who didst love
Thine own un­to the end,
Thou whose dear voice
To ev­ery sor­row­ing friend
Spoke the great pro­mise
Through the deep­en­ing gloom,
Thou bidd’st us, Mas­ter of the feast,
Today re­mem­ber Thee!

And e’en as in our hands we take
This brok­en bread,
This pre­cious cup of love,
Thy dy­ing tes­ta­ment, which from above
Thou deign­est ev­er
New and fresh to make,
A fount of grace and life to all;
We do re­mem­ber Thee!

Ours is the bond of love di­vine,
Which knits us each
To all and all to each;
That love whose ev­er
Lengthening cords can reach
From the white choir
Around Thy heav­en­ly shrine
To those who come in faith to­day
Here to re­mem­ber Thee.

Thy ban­quet ov­er, as we go,
Strong in the strength
Of this ce­les­ti­al meat,
To tread the path of life with firm­er feet,
To work the works which
Thou hast bid us do,
Abide with us, O Lord, that still
We may re­mem­ber Thee!