

Born: May 18, 1840, Ab­er­deen, Scot­land.

Died: March 17, 1894, Ma­ry­le­bone, Lon­don, En­gland.

Buried: Ay­ot St. Pe­ter Old Ce­me­te­ry, Ay­ot St. Pe­ter, Welw­yn Hat­field Dis­trict, Hert­ford­shire, Eng­land.


Robert was the son of Will­iam Brown and his se­cond wife, Ma­ry Ann Hen­drie.

He was edu­cat­ed at St. Ma­ry Hall, Ox­ford.

His obi­tu­ary stat­ed that be­ing un­de­cid­ed as to a pro­fess­ion, he ini­tial­ly served in the mi­li­ta­ry:

He ac­cept­ed a com­mis­sion in the East York Mi­li­tia, and sub­se­quent­ly spent some time abroad, dur­ing a portion of which he accom­pa­nied the all­ied ar­mies of Prus­sia and Aus­tria through a great part of the Dano-Ger­man cam­paign, be­ing pre­sent at the ba­ttle of Ov­er­see [al­so known as the Bat­tle of San­kel­mark].

On his re­turn to En­gland he was of­fered a com­mis­sion in the re­gu­lar ar­my, but he de­cid­ed to en­ter Ho­ly Or­ders [in 1865].

Scar­bo­rough Ga­zette, March 22, 1894.

He served as cur­ate of Sud­eley (and Chap­lain of the Winch­combe Un­ion), Glou­ces­ter­shire (1865–66) and Ev­es­ham, Wor­ces­ter­shire (1866–68); As­sist­ant Min­is­ter of the Qu­ebec Cha­pel, Lon­don (1868–69); in­cum­bent of Ho­ly Tri­ni­ty, Grange, Cum­bria (1869); and vi­car of All Saints, Scar­bo­rough, North York­shire (1886, serv­ing 22 years).

He as­sumed the ad­di­tion­al name of Borth­wick in 1868, when he mar­ried Grace (died 1884), the on­ly sur­viv­ing daugh­ter of the late Mr. John Borth­wick of Borth­wick Cas­tle.





Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Brown-Borth­wick (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),