Scripture Verse

Keep not Thou silence, O God: hold not Thy peace, and be not still, O God. For, lo, Thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate Thee have lifted up the head. They have taken crafty counsel against Thy people, and consulted against Thy hidden ones. Psalm 83:1–3


John B. Herbert (1852–1927)

Words: John Bar­nard, New Ver­sion of the Psalms (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: T. Le­ver­ett, 1752), pag­es 151–52, alt.

Music: La­fa­yette John B. Her­bert, 1890 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Bar­nard (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O God, to our re­peat­ed cries,
No longe­r si­lence keep;
Hold not Thy peace, as un­con­cerned,
Nor let Thy ven­geance sleep.

For lo, Thine ene­mies, O God,
Have a fierce tu­mult made;
And those, that im­pi­ous­ly Thee hate,
In pride lift up the head.

Against Thy peo­ple they con­sult,
And all their craft em­ploy;
Their chief de­sign’s Thy hid­den ones
Entirely to de­stroy.

Come, said they, let us whol­ly root
The na­tion from the ground;
That Is­ra­el’s hated name, no more
Be in re­mem­brance found.

Together they, with one con­sent,
In coun­sel, have com­bined;
These dif­fer­ing na­tions, close in league,
Against Thee, Lord, are joined.

There’s Esau’s sons, who dwell in tents,
Ishmael’s re­ject­ed line,
Moab, of in­cest eld­est brood,
With Ha­gar’s Ar­abs join.

Strong Ge­bal, Am­mon, Mo­ab’s kin,
With Am­alek conspire;
The lords of Pa­les­tine’s sea coast,
And with them weal­thy Tyre.

Proud As­sur’s pow­er­ful troops, the league,
And com­mon cause, es­pouse;
These prove the strong­est arm of strength,
To Lot’s apos­tate house.

But let such ven­geance on them fall,
As Midian overtook;
As Si­se­ra, and Ja­bin, felt,
At Ki­son’s fa­tal brook.

Where all their migh­ty nu­mer­ous host,
Were put to rout, and slain;
Who left their car­cass­es for dung,
On En­dor’s fer­tile plain.

As Zeeb, and Or­eb, make their chiefs,
Like ven­geance seize them all:
As Ze­bah, and Zal­mun­na, fell.
May all their princ­es fall.

Who boast­ing, said, Let’s seize for ours
Each house of God we find.

My God, to ru­in whirl them round.
As chaff be­fore the wind.

As rag­ing fire con­sumes the woods,
With flames the mount­ains blaze.
So with Thy tem­pest them pur­sue,
And with Thy storm amaze.

Their faces fill with shame, that they
May seek Je­ho­vah’s name.
Or them con­found, and ter­ri­fy,
Until they die in shame.

The na­tions then shall know that Thou,
To whom alone per­tains
The name Je­ho­vah, art Most High,
O’er earth’s ex­tend­ed plains.