Scripture Verse

Fire, and hail; snow, and vapors; stormy wind fulfilling His word. Psalm 148:8


Carolyn W. Gillette (1961–)

Words: Ca­ro­lyn W. Gil­lette, 2007.

Music: El­la­combe, Ge­sang­buch der herz­ogl. Wir­tem­berg­isch­en ka­tho­lisch­en Hof­ka­pe­lle (Würt­tem­berg, Ger­ma­ny: 1784). Adapt­ed & har­mo­nized by Will­iam H. Monk in the 1868 ap­pendix to Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, num­ber 366 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Monk (1823–1889)


O God of migh­ty wind and flame
Who fills your church with pow­er,
We ga­ther here in Je­sus’ name,
To ask your help this hour.
When na­ture’s might seems far too strong
And flames are swirl­ing high,
When days bring fear and nights are long,
Lord, hear your peo­ple’s cry.

Some, hav­ing not the time to pack,
Lost all they left be­hind;
We pray that when they can go back,
Your strength is what they’ll find.
As they are griev­ing, bend­ing low
To sift through ash and stone,
We pray that soon, again, they’ll know
The com­fort of a home.

Some la­bor hard for lit­tle pay;
Their bless­ings seem so few.
They don’t have homes to save this day—
God, keep them close to you.
Some risk their lives and give up sleep,
To fight the fires so long;
In this, the vi­gil that they keep,
God, keep them safe and strong.

O God in whom we live and move—
When lives are torn apart,
Give us, your church, abun­dant love
To heal each brok­en heart.
And when we see our neigh­bors’ pain,
Give us the grace to share,
Till like a gen­tle, need­ed rain,
New hope will fill the air.