Scripture Verse

Jesus increased in wisdom and stature. Luke 2:52


George W. Warren (1828–1902)

Words: Lou­is F. Ben­son, 1894.

Music: Log Col­lege George W. War­ren, 1895 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Louis Benson (1855–1930)


O Christ, who didst our tasks ful­fill,
Didst share the hopes of youth,
Our Sav­ior and our bro­ther still,
Now lead us in­to truth.

The call is Thine: be Thou the way,
And Thine the hearts that guide;
Let wis­dom broad­en with the day,
Let hu­man faith abide.

Who learns of Thee the truth shall find,
Who fol­lows, wins the goal;
With re­ver­ence crown the ear­nest mind,
And speak with­in the soul.

Waken the pur­pose high which strives,
And, fall­ing, stands again;
Confirm the will of ea­ger lives
To quit them­selves like men.

Thy life the bond of fel­low­ship,
Thy love the law that rules,
Thy name, pro­claimed by eve­ry lip,
The Mas­ter of our schools.