Scripture Verse

Lord Jesus Christ, who is our hope. 1 Timothy 1:1


John Chandler (1806–1876)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Un­known au­thor, 7th or 8th Cen­tu­ry (Je­su nos­tra re­demp­tio, Amor et de­si­de­ri­um). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by John Chand­ler, Hymns of the Pri­mi­tive Church, 1837.

Music: Brad­ford ar­ranged from George F. Han­del, 1741 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

George F. Handel (1685–1759)


O Christ, our hope, our heart’s de­sire,
Redemption’s on­ly spring!
Creator of the world art Thou,
Its Sav­ior and its King.

How vast the mer­cy and the love
Which laid our sins on Thee,
And led Thee to a cru­el death,
To set Thy peo­ple free.

But now the bands of death are burst,
The ran­som has been paid,
And Thou art on Thy Fa­ther’s throne,
In glo­ri­ous robes ar­rayed.

O may Thy migh­ty love pre­vail
Our sin­ful souls to spare;
O may we come be­fore Thy throne,
And find ac­cept­ance there!

O Christ, be Thou our last­ing joy,
Our ev­er great re­ward!
Our on­ly glo­ry may be it be
To glo­ry in the Lord.

All praise to Thee, as­cend­ed Lord;
All glo­ry ev­er be
To Fa­ther, Son, and Ho­ly Ghost,
Through all eter­ni­ty.