Scripture Verse

He hath done all things well. Mark 37:7


Samuel Medley (1738–1799)

Words: Sam­uel Med­ley, in the Gos­pel Ma­ga­zine, June 1776. Ju­li­an, page 722, cites this date and source, but we can­not find the hymn in this is­sue of the ma­ga­zine. Click here for an­oth­er ver­sion, be­lieved clos­er to the orig­in­al.

Music: Dear Je­sus Is the One I Love, ano­ny­mous, in The Sal­va­tion Ar­my Mu­sic, com­piled by Will­iam Booth (Lon­don: Sal­va­tion Ar­my Book De­part­ment, cir­ca 1900), num­ber 5 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Now, in a song of grate­ful praise,
To my dear Lord my voice I’ll raise;
With all His saints I’ll join to tell—
My Je­sus has done all things well.


Dear Je­sus is the One I love,
Oh, bless His name! He died for me;
His blood now cleans­es me from sin,
Dear Je­sus now He sets me free.

All worlds His glo­ri­ous pow­er con­fess,
His wis­dom all His works ex­press;
But oh! His love what tongue can tell?
My Je­sus has done all things well.


How so­ver­eign, pow­er­ful and free
Has been His love to sin­ful me!
He plucked me from the jaws of hell—
My Je­sus has done all things well.


I spurned His grace, I broke His laws,
And then he un­der­took my cause;
To save me though I did re­bel,
My Je­sus has done all things well.


And since my soul hath known His love,
What bless­ings hath he made me prove!
Mercy which doth all praise ex­cel,
My Je­sus has done all things well.


Whene’er my Sav­ior or my God,
Hath on me laid His gen­tle rod;
I know in all that has be­fell,
That Je­sus has done all things well.


Though ma­ny a flam­ing fie­ry dart,
Attempt their le­vel at my heart;
With this I all his rage re­pel—
My Je­sus has done all things well.


Sometimes the Lord His face doth hide,
To make me pray, and kill my pride;
Yet on my heart it still doth dwell,
That Je­sus has done all things well.


Soon I shall pass this vale of death,
And in His arms re­sign my breath:
Yet then my hap­py soul shall tell,
How Je­sus has done all things well.


And when to those bright worlds I rise,
And join the an­them with the skies;
Above the rest, this note shall swell,
My Je­sus has done all things well.
