Scripture Verse

Thou crownest the year with Thy goodness. Psalm 65:11


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in The Stan­dard Sun­day School Hym­nal, ed­it­ed by Chris­to­pher C. Cline (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Stand­ard Pub­lish­ing, 1888), num­ber 342, adapt­ed to fit the mu­sic.

Music: A con­fla­tion of en­tries 342 and 74 in the same hym­nal, both at­tribut­ed to E. L. White (Ed­ward L. White?) (🔊 pdf nwc). Com­pare to Com­fort (To­ron­to).

If you know the au­thor, E. L. White’s full name, or where to get good pho­tos of them (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Come, child­ren, and join in our fes­tiv­al song,
The new year has come, and the old year has gone;
We’ll join our glad voic­es in one hymn of praise
To God, who has kept us and length­ened our days.


Happy New Year to all, hap­py New Year to all!
Happy New Year, hap­py New Year,
Happy New Year to all!

Our Fa­ther in Hea­ven, we lift up to Thee
Our voice of thanks­giv­ing, our glad ju­bi­lee;
Oh, bless us, and guide us, dear Sav­ior, we pray,
That from Thy blest pre­cepts we ne­ver may stray.


And if ere this new year has drawn to a close,
Some loved one among us in death shall re­pose,
Grant, Lord, that the spir­it in Hea­ven may dwell,
Held safe in Thy bo­som, where all shall be well.


Kind teach­ers, we child­ren would thank you this day,
That faith­ful­ly, kind­ly, you’ve taught us the way
How we may es­cape from the world’s sin­ful charms,
And find a safe re­fuge in Je­sus’ strong arms.


Dear pas­tor, we ask thee, as lambs of thy fold,
To teach us that wis­dom more pre­cious than gold—
Our foot­steps to guide in the path­ways of truth,
To love our cre­at­or in days of our youth.


And now, as we en­ter an oth­er new year,
We pray for a bless­ing on your la­bors here;
May ma­ny bright jew­els be your bless­èd re­ward,
And crowns of re­joic­ing in the day of the Lord.
