Scripture Verse

You did not choose Me, but I chose you. John 15:16


Words: Jo­si­ah Con­der, 1836.

Music: Whit­field, Greek tune (🔊 pdf nwc)

Alternate Tune:

Josiah Conder (1789–1855)


My Lord, I did not choose You,
For that could nev­er be;
My heart would still re­fuse You,
Had You not chos­en me.
You took the sin that stained me,
You cleansed me, made me new;
Of old You have or­dained me,
That I should live in You.

Unless Your grace had called me
And taught my op­en­ing mind,
The world would have en­thralled me,
To heav’n­ly glo­ries blind.
My heart knows none above You;
For Your rich grace I thirst;
I know that if I love You,
You must have loved me first.