Scripture Verse

The mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jude 21


Words: Sam­uel Call­an (some sourc­es spell his name Call­en), in Wreath of Praise, by Asa Hull (New York; Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio; & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Da­ni­el W. Knowles, John Church & Hen­ry A. Sum­ner, 1879), page 58.

Music: Marrakesh Asa Hull (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Callan (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Asa Hull (1828–1907)


There are joys we fond­ly cher­ish,
While we tread this vale of earth;
There are those that nev­er per­ish,
But in Heav’n they have their birth.
All who share the bliss of Heav­en,
Entered in at mer­cy’s gate;
Thro’ the grace by Je­sus giv­en,
They have reached their high es­tate.


Let us ev­er strive to en­ter,
Never for the mor­row wait;
Strive to en­ter, strive to en­ter,
Enter in at mer­cy’s gate.

Earth may have its ma­ny plea­sures,
They are fleet­ing as a day;
But above are dear­est trea­sures
That shall nev­er pass away.
In the path of right and duty
Many ills may be our fate;
But re­li­gion has a beau­ty—
It is found at mer­cy’s gate.


Up the hill as­cend­ing ev­er,
With our eyes up­on the goal,
Let the world’s al­lure­ments nev­er
Cause us to for­get the soul.
Soon our toil will here be ended,
Bright re­wards for us await,
When to Him we are as­cend­ed,
Who has op­ened mercy’s gate.
