Scripture Verse

There remaineth…a rest to the people of God. Hebrews 4:9


Horatius Bonar (1808–1889)

Words: Ho­ra­ti­us Bo­nar, Hymns of Faith and Hope (Lon­don: James Nis­bet, 1857), pag­es 5–7.

Music: Phi­lip Phil­lips, Our New Hym­nal (New York: Funk & Wag­nalls, 1893), pag­es 132–33 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Philip Phillips (1834–1895)


Where the faded flow­er shall fresh­en—
Freshen ne­ver more to fade;
Where the shad­ed sky shall brighten—
Brighten ne­ver more to shade:
Where the sun blaze ne­ver scorch­es;
Where the star beams cease to chill;
Where no tem­pest stirs the ech­oes
Of the wood, or wave, or hill;
Where the morn shall wake in glad­ness,
And the noon the joy pro­long,
Where the daylight dies in fragrance,
’Mid the burst of ho­ly song:


Brother, we shall meet and rest
’Mid the ho­ly and the blest!

Where no sha­dow shall be­wil­der,
When life’s vain pa­rade is o’er,
Where the sleep of sin is brok­en,
And the dream­er dreams no more:
Where the bond is ne­ver se­vered;
Parting, clasp­ings, sob and moan,
Midnight wak­ing, twi­light weep­ing,
Heavy noon­tide—all are done:
Where the child has found its mo­ther,
Where the mo­ther finds the child,
Where dear fa­mi­lies are ga­thered,
That were scat­tered on the wild:


Where the hid­den wound is heal­èd,
Where the blight­ed life re-blooms,
Where the smit­ten heart the fresh­ness
Of its buoy­ant youth re­sumes:
Where the love that here we lav­ish
On the wi­ther­ing leaves of time
Shall have fade­less flow­ers to fix on
In an ever spring-bright clime:
Where we find the joy of lov­ing,
As we ne­ver loved be­fore—
Loving on, unchilled, un­hin­dered,
Loving once and ev­er­more:


Where a blast­ed world shall bright­en
Underneath a blu­er sphere,
And a soft­er, gent­ler sun­shine
Shed its heal­ing splen­dor here:
Where earth’s bar­ren vales shall blos­som,
Putting on their robe of green,
And a pur­er, fair­er Eden
Be where on­ly was­tes have been:
Where a king in king­ly glo­ry,
Such as earth has ne­ver known,
Shall as­sume the right­eous scep­ter,
Claim and wear the ho­ly crown:
