Scripture Verse

Blessed are they who are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. Revelation 19:9


Henry L. Gilmour (1836–1920)

Words: Car­rie E. Breck, 1896.

Music: Hen­ry L. Gil­mour (🔊 pdf nwc).

Carrie E. Breck (1855–1934)


In the soul’s bright home beyond the sky,
In a land where the ran­somed ne­ver die,
There will be a roy­al ban­quet
By and by,
’Tis the great mar­riage sup­per of the Lamb.


Are you go­ing to be there?
Are you go­ing to be there?
At the great mar­riage sup­per of the Lamb;
With your wed­ding gar­ments on,
Will you meet the loved ones gone?
At the great mar­riage sup­per of the Lamb.

O the bride shall shine in bright ar­ray,
With her tears all for­ev­er wiped away;
There will be a great re­joic­ing
On that day,
At the great mar­riage sup­per of the Lamb.


From all sin for­ev­er­more re­leased,
They will come from the west and from the east,
For all na­tions will be ga­thered
At the feast
Of the great mar­riage sup­per of the Lamb.


We shall praise Him by the crys­tal tide,
When the Lamb that was slain is glo­ri­fied;
And the ran­somed Church of God
Shall be the bride
At the great mar­riage sup­per of the Lamb.
