Scripture Verse

We will rejoice in Thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners. Psalm 20:5


Words & Mu­sic: H. Er­nest Ni­chol, 1898 (🔊 pdf nwc). Some hym­nals give the au­thor as Co­lin Sterne, Ni­chol’s pseu­do­nym.

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ni­chol (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Hark to the sound of voic­es!
Hark to the tramp of feet!
Is it a migh­ty ar­my
Treading the bu­sy street?
Nearer it comes and near­er,
Singing a glad re­frain;
List what they say as they haste away,
To the sound of the mar­tial strain:


Marching be­neath the ban­ner,
Fighting be­neath the cross,
Trusting in Him who saves us,
Ne’er shall we suf­fer loss;
Singing the songs of home­land,
Loudly the chor­us rings;
We march to fight in our ar­mor bright,
At the call of the King of kings!

Out of the mist of er­ror,
Out of the realms of night,
Out of the pride of learn­ing,
Seeking the home of light;
Out of the strife for pow­er,
Out of the greed of gold,
Onward they roam to their heav’n­ly home,
And the trea­sure that grows not old.


On then, ye gal­lant sol­diers,
On to your home above!
Yours is the truth and glo­ry,
Yours is the pow­er and love;
Here are ye trained for he­roes,
Yonder ye serve the King;
March to the light ’neath the ban­ner white,
With the song that ye have to sing.
