Scripture Verse

In Thy presence is fullness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalm 16:11


Words: Th­omas W. Jex-Blake, 1855. This hymn was writ­ten at the re­quest of the se­cond Head Mas­ter of Marl­bo­rough College, Dr. George Cot­ton (1852–1858) (who was lat­er ea­ten by a cro­co­dile in the Gan­ges Ri­ver).

Music: Ab­bot’s Leigh Cy­ril V. Tay­lor, 1941 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Thomas W. Jex-Blake (1832–1915)


Lord, we thank Thee for the plea­sure
That our hap­py life­time gives,
For the bound­less worth and trea­sure
Of a soul that ev­er lives;
Mind that looks be­fore and af­ter,
Lifting eyes to things above;
Human tears, and hu­man laugh­ter,
And the depths of hu­man love.

For the thrill, the leap, the glad­ness
Of our puls­es flow­ing free;
E’en for ev­ery touch of sad­ness
That may bring us near­er Thee;
But, above all other kind­ness,
Thine un­ut­ter­able love,
Which, to heal our sin and blind­ness,
Sent Thy dear Son from above.

Teach us so our days to num­ber
That we may be ear­ly wise;
Dreamy mist, or cloud, or slum­ber,
Never dull our heav’n­ward eyes.
Hearty be our work and will­ing,
As to Thee, and not to men;
For we know our soul’s ful­fill­ing
Is in Heav’n, and not ’til then.