Scripture Verse

Thou hast been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble. Psalm 59:16


Words: So­mer­set C. Low­ry, 1899. This hymn was writ­ten at Holm­wood, Sur­rey, Eng­land, after the re­verse at Co­len­so, and saw ex­ten­sive use dur­ing the Bo­er War.

Music: Mat­lock Mi­chael Wise, in The Psal­ter or Psalms of Da­vid, by R. Good­ridge, 1684 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Low­ry or Wise (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Lord, while afar our bro­thers fight,
Thy Church unit­ed lifts her pray­er;
Be Thou their Shield by day and night;
Guide, guard, and help them ev­ery­where:
O God of bat­tles, hear our cry,
And in their dan­ger be Thou nigh.

For those who, wound­ed in the fray,
Are lin­ger­ing still on beds of pain,
Who to their loved ones far away
May ne­ver­more re­turn again,
O God of pi­ty, hear our cry,
And in their ang­uish be Thou nigh.

For wives and mo­thers sore dis­tressed,
For all who wait in si­lent fear,
For homes be­reaved which gave their best,
For hearts now de­so­late and drear,
O God of com­fort, hear our cry,
And in the dark­est hour draw nigh.

Spare us, good Lord! If just the strife,
Yet still from guilt we are not free;
Forgive our blind and care­less life,
Our oft for­get­ful­ness of Thee.
O God of mer­cy, hear our cry,
And to our con­trite souls draw nigh.

We bow be­neath the chast­en­ing rod,
To us the sin and shame be­long,
But Thou art righ­teous, Thou art God,
And right shall tri­umph ov­er wrong.
In Thee we trust, to Thee we cry;
Lord, now and ev­er be Thou nigh.