Scripture Verse

Lord, teach us to pray. Luke 11:1


James Montgomery
National Portrait Gallery


Words: James Mont­go­me­ry, 1818.

Music: First Mode Me­lo­dy Tho­mas Tal­lis (1505–1585) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Thomas Tallis (1505–1585)


Lord, teach us how to pray aright,
With re­ve­rence and with fear;
Though dust and ash­es in Thy sight,
We may, we must draw near.

We per­ish if we cease from pray­er;
O grant us pow­er to pray;
And when to meet Thee we pre­pare,
Lord, meet us by the way.

Burdened with guilt, con­vinced of sin,
In weak­ness, want and woe,
Fightings with­out, and fears with­in,
Lord, whi­ther shall we go?

God of all grace, we come to Thee
With broken, con­trite hearts;
Give what Thine eye de­lights to see,
Truth in the in­ward parts.

Faith in the on­ly sac­ri­fice
That can for sin atone;
To cast our hopes, to fix our eyes,
On Christ, on Christ alone.

Patience to watch, and wait, and weep,
Though mer­cy long de­lay;
Courage our faint­ing souls to keep,
And trust Thee though Thou slay.

Give these, and then Thy will be done,
Thus, strength­ened with all might,
We, through Thy Spir­it and Thy Son,
Shall pray, and pray aright.