Scripture Verse

Lord, Thou hast been favorable unto Thy land: Thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob. Psalm 85:1


Theodore E. Perkins (1831–1912)

Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 230.

Music: Re­pent­ance Theo­dore E. Per­kins, 1875 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:


Lord, Thou hast great­ly blessed our land,
Thou hast brought back our cap­tive band,
Thy par­don­ing grace has made us free
And co­vered our ini­qui­ty.

O Thou, who in a for­mer day
Didst turn Thy dread­ful wrath away,
In grace Thy peo­ple, Lord, re­turn,
And let Thy wrath no long­er burn.

O will Thine an­ger ne­ver cease,
Forever shall Thy wrath in­crease?
Receive and quick­en us once more,
And Thy sal­va­tion’s joy re­store.

To us Thy mer­cy now af­ford
And show us Thy sal­va­tion, Lord;
Yea, Thou wilt an­swer us in peace,
If from our fol­ly we will cease.

The Lord’s sal­va­tion will ap­pear
To men of faith and god­ly fear,
And glo­ry in our land shall dwell
When we shall heed God’s pre­cepts well.

Now truth agrees with mer­cy mild,
Now law and peace are re­con­ciled;
Behold the truth from earth arise,
With jus­tice shin­ing from the skies.

The Lord will send His bless­ing down,
And har­vests all our land shall crown;
Before Him right­eous­ness abides,
And in His foot­steps our feet He guides.