Scripture Verse

I will arise and go to my father. Luke 15:18


Xaver S. von Wartensee

Words: Sam­uel Long­fel­low, Hymns of the Spir­it (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Tick­nor & Fields, 1864).

Music: Hor­ton Xa­ver S. von War­ten­see, 1826 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Samuel Longfellow


Love for all! and can it be?
Can I hope it is for me?
I, who strayed so long ago,
Strayed so far, and fell so low!

I, the dis­obe­di­ent child,
Wayward, pass­ion­ate, and wild;
I, who left my Fa­ther’s home
In for­bid­den ways to roam!

I, who spurned His lov­ing hold,
I, who would not be con­trolled;
I, who would not hear His call,
I, the will­ful pro­di­gal!

I, who wast­ed and mis­spent
Every ta­lent He had lent;
I, who sin­ned again, again,
Giving ev­ery pass­ion reign!

To my Fa­ther can I go?
At His feet my­self I’ll throw,
In His house there yet may be
Place, a ser­vant’s place, for me.

See, my Fa­ther wait­ing stands;
See, He reach­es out His hands;
God is love! I know, I see
There is love for me—ev­en me!