Scripture Verse

What I say unto you I say unto all, Watch. Mark 13:37


Words: Jo­hann C. Rube, Früh­lings-Blum­en 1712 (Der Herr bricht ein, um Mit­ter­nacht). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Sar­ah B. Find­lat­er, Hymns from the Land of Lu­ther, third ser­ies, 1858, page 60 (and there mis­at­trib­ut­ed to Zin­zen­dorf).

Music: Saw­ley James Walch, 1860 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Rube, Find­la­ter or Walch (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The Lord shall come in dead of night,
When all is still­ness round;
How hap­py they whose lamps are bright,
Who hail the trum­pet’s sound.

How blind and dead the world ap­pears,
How deep her slum­bers are,
Still dream­ing that the day she fears
Is dist­ant and afar.

Who spends his day in ho­ly toil,
His tal­ent used aright,
That he may haste, with heav­en­ly spoil,
To meet his Lord that night?

Are you arous­ing from their sleep,
The saints who dare to rest,
And call­ing ev­ery one to keep
A watch more true and blest?

Wake up! my heart and soul, anew,
Let sleep no mo­ment claim;
But hour­ly watch, as if ye knew
This night the Mas­ter came.