Scripture Verse

I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Revelation 19:6


Anthony J. Showalter (1858–1924)

Words: An­tho­ny J. Sho­wal­ter, in The Best Gos­pel Songs and Their Com­pos­ers (Dal­ton, Geor­gia: A. J. Sho­wal­ter, 1904), num­ber 85.

Music: George N. Fenn (🔊 pdf nwc).

George N. Fenn (1860–1942)


The Lord om­ni­po­tent shall reign
Where’er the sun doth shine;
His right to rule earth’s kings shall own,
And bless His sway di­vine.


Then mag­ni­fy His match­less name,
Let an­thems ring from shore to shore;
On sea and land, in loud ac­claim,
Exalt Him ev­er­more.

The Lord com­mands, and it stands fast,
He speaks, and it is done;
Forevermore His reign shall last,
Enduring is His throne.


He calls us now to do and dare,
The world for Christ to gain,
That in His king­dom we may share,
As kings and priests to reign.
