He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.
Psalm 72:8
Words: Timothy Dwight, Psalms of David, 1808.
Music: Savannah (Robinson), anonymous, in A Selection of Spiritual Songs with Music, by Charles S. Robinson (New York: Century Company, 1881), page 60 (🔊 pdf nwc).
Lord of all worlds, incline Thy bounteous ear,
Thy children’s voice, in tender mercy, hear;
Bear Thy blest promise, fixed as hills, in mind,
And shed renewing grace on lost mankind.
Let Zion’s walls before Thee ceaseless stand,
Dear as Thine eye, and graven on Thy hand;
From earth’s far regions Jacob’s sons restore,
Oppressed by man, and scourged by Thee no more.
Then shall mankind no more in darkness mourn,
Then happy nations in a day be born;
From east to west Thy glorious name be one,
And one pure worship hail the eternal Son.
Then shall Thy saints exult with joy divine;
Their virtues quicken, and their lives refine;
Heaven o’er the world unfold a brighter day,
And Jesus spread His reign from sea to sea!