Scripture Verse

God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1


Words: S. Childs Clarke, 1893.

Music: Su­mus Ti­bi H. El­li­ot But­ton, 1891 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Clarke or But­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

The note on the hymn is: Writ­ten orig­in­al­ly at the re­quest of the Re­ver­end Can­on Her­vey, and sung at the re-op­en­ing of San­dring­ham Church, af­ter res­tor­ation by…the Prince of Wales.

It was sung at the Chor­al Fes­tiv­als at St. Paul’s Ca­thed­ral, 1893; Nor­wich and Tru­ro, 1894; Ely, 1895, and oth­ers. In Fes­tiv­al and Oth­er Hys., 1896, and Add. Hymns, 1903.

Julian, p. 1622


Lord of all cre­ation,
Now be­fore Thy throne,
We Thy peo­ple bring Thee
Gifts that are Thine own.
Thine is all the great­ness,
Power and glo­ry Thine,
High o’er all ex­alt­ed,
Majesty di­vine.


Of Thine own we of­fer,
Of Thy gifts we give,
Unto Thee, O Fa­ther,
In whose life all live.

All the gold and sil­ver,
Corn on plains and hills,
Grass up­on the mount­ains,
Water in the rills—
All things yield Thee glo­ry,
With Thy light they shine;
Thou all art in­spir­est—
Science, skill are Thine.


Body, soul, and spir­it,
Thought and speech, and song,
Come of Thee, Cre­at­or,
And to Thee be­long.
These in bound­en du­ty
We de­vote to Thee;
Thine is all the dow­er,
Thine the glo­ry be.
