Scripture Verse

Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. John 4:35


Robert Lowry (1826–1899)

Words: M. Low­rie Hof­ford, in Joy­ful Lays, ed­it­ed by Ro­bert Low­ry & W. How­ard Doane (New York & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Big­low & Main, 1884), num­ber 87.

Music: Bor Ro­bert Low­ry, 1884 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Hof­ford (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Look up! be­hold, the fields are white,
The har­vest time is near;
The sum­mons of the Mas­ter falls
Upon the reap­er’s ear:
Go forth into the gold­en grain
And bind the pre­cious sheaves,
And gar­ner for the Lord of Hosts
The har­vest which He gives.

Look up! be­hold, the fields are white,
The la­bor­ers are few,
The ga­ther­ing of the har­vest must
By grace de­pend on you:
Go forth through­out the bu­sy world,
The world of want and sin,
And ga­ther for the Lord of Hosts
Its dy­ing mill­ions in.

Look up! be­hold, the fields are white,
The Mas­ter soon will come,
And car­ry with re­joic­ing heart
His ga­thered tro­phies home;
And can you stand with emp­ty arms,
While glad­ly He re­ceives
From oth­ers in the har­vest field
A load of pre­cious sheaves?