Scripture Verse

He has risen, just as He said. Matthew 28:6


Words: Jo­hann P. Lange, Bib­lische Dich­tung­en, 1832 (Der Herr ist auf­er­stand­en). Re­worked in his Vom Oel­berge, 1852. Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Hen­ry Har­baugh in the Ger­man Re­formed Guard­ian, Ap­ril 1860.

Music: Re­sur­rec­tion (Ne­vin) Al­ice Ne­vin, 1879 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Lange or Ne­vin (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Henry Harbaugh (1817–1867)


The Lord of life is ris­en;
Sing, East­er her­alds, sing!
He bursts His rocky pri­son;
Wide let the tri­umph ring!
In death no long­er ly­ing,
He rose, the Prince, to­day;
Life of the dead and dy­ing,
He tri­umphed o’er de­cay.

The Lord of life is ris­en,
And love no long­er grieves;
In ru­in lies death’s pri­son,
Sing, her­alds, Je­sus lives!
We hear the bless­èd greet­ing;
Salvation’s work is done!
We wor­ship Thee, re­peat­ing,
Life for the dead is won!

Around Thy tomb, O Je­sus,
How sweet the East­er breath;
Hear we not in the breez­es,
Where is thy sting, O death?
Dark hell flies in com­mo­tion,
The hea­vens their an­thems sing;
While far o’er earth and ocean
Glad hal­le­lu­jahs ring!

O pub­lish this sal­va­tion,
Ye her­alds, through the earth,
To eve­ry bur­ied nation
Proclaim the day of birth!
Till, ris­ing from their slum­bers,
In long and an­cient night
The count­less heath­en num­bers
Shall hail the East­er light.

Hail, hail, our Je­sus ris­en!
Sing, ran­somed breth­ren, sing!
Through death’s dark, gloomy pri­son
Let East­er cho­rals ring!
Haste, haste, ye cap­tive le­gions,
Accept your glad re­prieve;
Come forth from sin’s dark re­gions;
In Je­sus’ king­dom live!