Scripture Verse

Thou…hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood. Revelation 5:9


Luther O. Emerson (1820–1915)

Words: Sam­uel Da­vies (1723–1761). First pub­lished in Tho­mas Gib­bons’ Hymns, 1769.

Music: Ses­sions Lu­ther O. Em­er­son (1820–1915) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know when the mu­sic was writ­ten,

Samuel Davies (1723–1761)


A Chris­tian cap­tain, who had a Chris­tian crew, was caught near a roc­ky shore in a driv­ing storm. They were be­ing driv­en rap­id­ly to­ward the rocks when he or­dered them to cast an­chor.

They did so, but it broke, He or­dered them to cast the se­cond. They did so, but it dragged. He then or­dered them to cast the third and last.

They cast it while the cap­tain went down to his room to pray. He fell on his knees and said, O Lord, this ves­sel is thine, these no­ble men on deck are thine. If it be more for thy glo­ry that our ves­sel be wrecked on the rocks and we go down in the sea, thy will be done. But if it be more for thy glo­ry that we live to work for thee, then hold the an­chor. Calm­ly he rose to re­turn to deck, and as he went, he heard a chor­us of voic­es sing­ing:—

Lord, I am thine!

It seemed like an an­gel song. Reach­ing the deck, he found his brave men stand­ing with their hands on the ca­ble, that they might feel the first giv­ing of the an­chor, on which hung their lives, and look­ing calm­ly on the rag­ing of the ele­ments, as they sung with spir­it and with the un­der­stand­ing al­so:—

Lord, I am thine!

The an­chor held till the storm was past, and they an­chored safe with­in the bay.

Long, p. 123


Lord, I am Thine, en­tire­ly Thine,
Purchased and saved by blood di­vine;
With full con­sent Thine I would be,
And own Thy so­ver­eign right in me.

Grant one poor sin­ner more a place
Among the child­ren of Thy grace—
A wretch­ed sin­ner, lost to God,
But ran­somed by Im­ma­nu­el’s blood.

Thine would I live, Thine would I die,
Be Thine through all eter­ni­ty;
The vow is past be­yond re­peal,
And now I set the so­lemn seal.

Here, at that cross where flows the blood
That bought my guil­ty soul for God,
Thee my new mas­ter now I call,
And con­se­crate to Thee my all.