Scripture Verse

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in Heaven. Matthew 5:16


Words & Mu­sic: Hen­ry A. R. Hor­ton, in Shinin­g Light, ed­it­ed by J. M. Pierce (Atl­an­ta, Georg­ia: J. M. Pierce, 1906) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Hor­ton’s full name,

Henry A. R. Horton (1849–1920)


Let us car­ry sun­shine
Everywhere we go;
It will strength­en oth­ers,
Jesus’ love to know;
If our hearts grow wea­ry,
Let us sing and pray,
Help some wan­der­ing soul
To find the liv­ing way.


Let us car­ry sun­shine
Everywhere we go;
It will strength­en oth­ers,
Jesus’ love to know;
Let us car­ry sun­shine,
Everywhere we go.

Let us be a su­nbeam,
Shining for the Lord;
Walking in His foot­steps,
Trusting in His word;
If temp­ta­tions lead us
From the paths of right,
Let us look to Je­sus,
For in Him is light.


If your life’s a sun­beam,
All is peace with­in;
Let it shine for Je­sus,
Other souls to win;
Toiling in His vine­yard,
Ever faith­ful be;
Brighter beams in glo­ry
Wait to shine for thee.
