Scripture Verse

For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. Matthew 24:27


Words: Ar­ranged by Da­ni­el B. Tow­ner, 1905.

Music: Da­ni­el B. Tow­ner (🔊 pdf nwc).

Daniel B. Towner (1850–1919)


Light in the east­ern sky, Je­sus re­turn­ing!
Light in the west­ern sky, Je­sus is near!
Soon shall the na­tions, His ad­vent dis­cern­ing,
Hail Him with glad­ness, or see Him with fear.


Lord, by Thy hands that were nail pierced and torn:
Lord by the crown that they wove of the thorns:
Lord, by Thy pass­ion in Geth­se­ma­ne:
Christ of all ten­de­rness, plead Thou for me!

Bright be our lamps as we watch for the dawn­ing,
Girded our loins, that our strength may not fail;
So as He shines through the mists of the morn­ing,
We may be rea­dy to cry Him, All hail!


Not as at Na­za­reth—low­ly they found Him;
He as the Judge com­eth back from the sky;
Borne on the whirl­wind, with an­gels around Him,
Veiling their face from His glo­ry so nigh.


Judge of the earth, who in mer­cy un­fail­ing
Offered Thy­self as atone­ment for sin,
In that great day, by Thy love all pre­vail­ing,
Grant us the rest of Thy hea­ven to win!
