Scripture Verse

The Lord blesses His people with peace. Psalm 29:11


John Fawcett (1740–1817)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: John Faw­cett, in A Sup­ple­ment to the Shaw­bu­ry Hymn Book (Shrew­sbu­ry, Eng­land: 1773) (stan­zas 1–2); God­frey Thring (stanza 3).

Music: Si­cil­ian Ma­ri­ners from The Eu­ro­pe­an Ma­ga­zine and Lon­don Re­view, No­vem­ber 1792 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:


Lord, dis­miss us with Thy bless­ing;
Fill our hearts with joy and peace;
Let us each Thy love pos­sess­ing,
Triumph in re­deem­ing grace.
O re­fresh us, O re­fresh us,
Traveling through this wil­der­ness.

Thanks we give and ado­ra­tion
For Thy Gos­pel’s joy­ful sound;
May the fruits of Thy sal­va­tion
In our hearts and lives abound.
Ever faith­ful, ev­er faith­ful,
To the truth may we be found.

So that when Thy love shall call us,
Savior, from the world away,
Let no fear of death ap­pall us,
Glad Thy sum­mons to ob­ey.
May we ev­er, may we ev­er,
Reign with Thee in end­less day.