Scripture Verse

He will be our guide even to the end. Psalm 48:14


William Boyce (1710–1779)

Words: Hand­ley C. G. Moule, in The Coun­cil School Hymn Book (No­vel­lo: 1905).

Music: Hal­ton Hol­gate Will­iam Boyce, in A Col­lect­ion of Me­lo­dies, cir­ca 1765 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Handley C. G. Moule (1841–1920)


Lord and Sav­ior, true and kind,
Be the Mas­ter of my mind;
Bless, and guide, and strength­en still
All my pow­ers of thought and will.

While I ply the scho­lar’s task,
Jesus Christ, be near, I ask;
Help the me­mo­ry, clear the brain,
Knowledge still to seek and gain.

Here I train for life’s swift race;
Let me do it in Thy grace;
Here I arm me for life’s fight;
Let me do it in Thy might.

Thou hast made me mind and soul;
I for Thee would use the whole;
Thou hast died that I might live;
All my pow­ers to Thee I give.

Striving, think­ing, learn­ing, still,
Let me fol­low thus Thy will,
Till my whole glad na­ture be
Trained for du­ty and for Thee.