Scripture Verse

He’s calling you! Mark 10:49


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in The Ad­vent Harp (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: J. V. Himes, 1849).

Music: James M. Ha­gan (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Ha­gan,

James M. Hagan


’Tis the last call of mer­cy,
That lin­gers for thee;
Oh! sin­ner, re­ceive it;
To Je­sus now flee!
He oft­en has called thee,
But thou hast re­fused!
His of­fered sal­va­tion
And love are abused!

If thou slight­est this warn­ing,
Now of­fered at last,
Thine will be the sad mourn­ing—
The har­vest is past,
Salvation I’ve slight­ed,
The sum­mer is o’er,
And now there is par­don,
Sweet par­don, no more.

’Tis the last call of mer­cy,
Oh, turn not away,
For now swift­ly hast­eth
The dread ven­geance day!
The Spir­it in­vites you,
And pleads with you, come!
Oh, come to life’s wa­ters,
Nor thirst­ing­ly roam!

’Tis the last call of mer­cy,
Oh, steel not thy heart,
For now she is ris­ing,
From earth to de­part!
The Bride is now call­ing—
Ye thirs­ty souls, come!
Oh, come with the ran­somed,
In Heav­en there’s room!

’Tis the last call of mer­cy,
That lin­gers for thee,
Break away from thy bond­age,
Oh, sin­ner, be free!
Be not a sad mourn­er,
The har­vest is past,
The sum­mer is end­ed

And per­ish at last.