Scripture Verse

In Thine hand is power and might. 1 Chronicles 29:12


Isaac H. Meredith (1872–1962)

Words: Hugh Sto­well, 1853. This hymn was wri­tten for the Ju­bi­lee of the Brit­ish & For­eign Bi­ble So­ci­ety.

Music: Stow­ell Is­aac H. Me­re­dith (1872–1962) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Hugh Stowell (1799–1865)


Lord of all pow­er and might,
Father of love and light,
Speed on Thy Word!
O let the Gos­pel sound
All the wide world around,
Wherever man is found!
God speed His Word!

Hail, bless­èd Ju­bi­lee!
Thine, Lord, the glo­ry be;
Thine was the migh­ty plan;
From Thee the work began;
Away with praise of man!
Glory to God!

Lo, what em­bat­tled foes,
Stern in their hate, op­pose
God’s ho­ly Word!
One for His truth we stand,
Strong in His own right hand,
Firm as a mar­tyr band:
God shield His Word!

Onward shall be our course,
Despite all fraud and force;
God is be­fore.
His words ere long shall run
Free as the noon­day sun;
His pur­pose must be done:
God bless His Word!