Scripture Verse

For those who fear You, You have raised a banner. Psalm 60:4


Words: Je­re­mi­ah E. Ran­kin, 1886.

Music: Tas­so Cor­ben (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Cor­ben (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Jeremiah E. Rankin


Keep your colors fly­ing,
All ye Chris­tian youth,
To Christ’s call re­ply­ing,
Full of grace and truth.
Rise in strength and beau­ty,
In life’s morn­ing glow,
Answer to each du­ty,
Onward, up­ward go.


Keep your co­lors fly­ing,
Stand for God and truth,
Keep your co­lors fly­ing,
All ye Chris­tian youth.

Life is all be­fore you
Where to choose your way,
Keep Christ’s co­lors o’er you;
Watch and fight and pray,
With a firm en­dea­vor,
Ev’ry foe de­fy,
True to Je­sus ev­er,
Lift your co­lors high.


Keep your co­lors fly­ing,
Never think of ease;
Sin and self de­ny­ing,
Jesus on­ly please.
Not for world­ly plea­sure,
Not for world­ly fame,
Not for heaps of trea­sure,
Live for Je­sus’ name!


Keep your co­lors fly­ing,
Walk as Je­sus did;
In Him liv­ing, dy­ing,
Let your life be hid;
Hoping, trust­ing, ev­er,
Breathe this mor­tal breath;
You shall live for­ev­er,
Christ has con­quered death.
