Scripture Verse

Come; for all things are now ready. Luke 14:17


James Rowe (1865–1933)

Words: James Rowe, in The Light­house in Gos­pel Song, by John D. Patt­on (Bir­ming­ham, Ala­ba­ma: J. D. Pat­ton, 1910).

Music: Chou­teau Bent­ley D. Ack­ley (🔊 pdf nwc).

Bentley Ackley


O wea­ry soul, the gate is near;
In sin why still abide?
Both peace and rest are wait­ing here,
And you are just out­side.


Just out­side the door,
Just out­side the door,
Behold, it stands ajar!
Just out­side the door,
Just out­side the door,
So near and yet so far!

Forgiveness Je­sus will im­part—
To save your soul He died;
How can you still of­fend His heart
By stay­ing just out­side?


The day of life is pass­ing by;
Soon night your soul will hide;
And then too late will be your cry,
If you are just out­side!


Come in, be free from stains of sin;
Be glad, be sa­tis­fied;
Before the tem­pest breaks, come in,
And leave your past out­side.
