Scripture Verse

Mighty to save. Isaiah 63:1


William G. Fischer (1835–1912)

Words: An­nie Wit­ten­my­er, in The Voice of Praise, by Eb­en­ez­er Thomp­son Baird & Karl Re­den (pseu­do­nym of Charles C. Con­verse) (Rich­mond, Vir­gin­ia: E. Thomp­son Baird, 1872).

Music: Will­iam G. Fisch­er (🔊 pdf nwc).

Sarah A. T. Wittenmyer (1827–1900)


All glo­ry to Je­sus be giv­en,
That life and sal­va­tion are free;
And all may be washed and for­giv­en,
And Je­sus can save ev­en me.


Yes, Je­sus is migh­ty to save,
And all His sal­va­tion may know;
On His bo­som I lean,
And His blood makes me clean,
For His blood can wash whit­er than snow.

From dark­ness and sin and des­pair,
Out in­to the light of His love,
He has brought me and made me an heir,
To king­doms and man­sions above.


Oh, the rap­tur­ous heights of His love,
The mea­sure­less depths of His grace,
My soul all His full­ness would prove,
And live in His lov­ing em­brace.


In Him all my wants are sup­plied,
His love makes my hea­ven be­low,
And free­ly His blood is ap­plied,
His blood that makes whit­er than snow.
