Scripture Verse

Truly I tell you, there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down. Matthew 24:2


Christopher Wordsworth

Words: Chris­to­pher Words­worth, The Ho­ly Year (Lon­don: Riv­ing­tons, 1862), num­ber 41. Christ’s Pro­phe­cy be­fore His Pas­sion con­cern­ing the Judg­ments im­pend­ing ov­er Je­ru­sa­lem, and the fu­ture Judg­ment of the World.

Music: Dies Ir­ae (Par­ry), Jo­seph Par­ry (1841–1903) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:


Jerusalem! thy judge will come
With woes and de­so­la­tion;
Signs are ap­pear­ing of thy doom,
Distress and tri­bu­la­tion;
Rome is Christ’s vas­sal—she will be
His min­is­ter of wrath to thee,
And to thy guil­ty na­tion.

He will thee vi­sit for thy sin,
And when His hand has found thee,
Rome will with ar­mies hem thee in,
And cast a trench around thee;
Though now thy tem­ple shines so fair,
No stone will soon be stand­ing there
When once her troops sur­round thee.

O migh­ty earth! Thy judge will come
With woes and de­so­la­tion,
Signs are ap­pear­ing of thy doom,
Distress and tri­bu­la­tion;
With an­gel hosts the Judge of all
Upon the clouds will come, and call
The world to its pro­ba­tion.

Thou Lord most glo­ri­ous! Who didst deign
To die for our sal­va­tion,
And ev­er­last­ing­ly will reign
In heav’n­ly ex­al­ta­tion,
O may we fear Thy judg­ments now,
And then with joy be­fore Thee bow,
The God of all cre­ation.

Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem
Francesco Hayez, 1867