Scripture Verse

The Lord is risen. Luke 24:34


Words: Ab­bie Mills, 1891.

Music: Phi­ne­has John R. Swe­ney, 1891 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mills (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

John Sweney (1837–1899)


Jesus is liv­ing, and reign­eth on high,
Living, ho­san­na, the King of the sky;
Living, oh, glo­ry, He’s liv­ing with­in,
Cleansing and keep­ing my heart free from sin.


Blessing, ho­san­na, amen and amen,
Jesus once dy­ing is liv­ing again;
Living, oh, glo­ry, He’s liv­ing with­in,
Cleansing and keep­ing my heart free from sin.

Jesus is liv­ing, and gives life to all
Sore la­den sin­ners, who come at His call;
Seeking His mer­cy, be­liev­ing His word,
Trusting, they find Him, their life-giv­ing Lord.


Jesus is liv­ing, He lead­eth His own,
Giving them wa­ter that flows from the throne,
Manna, like dew drops each day from the sky,
Whoever eat­eth shall ne­ver­more die.


Jesus is liv­ing, His child­ren may sing,
Whate’er of tri­al the com­ing days bring;
Nothing can harm them, His wing is spread wide,
O bless­èd shel­ter where safe they abide.


Jesus is liv­ing, and I shall live where
Loud hal­le­lu­jahs re­sound thro’ the air;
Music ne’er end­ing in sor­row’s deep sigh,
Sorrow and sin have no home in the sky.
