Scripture Verse

It is I; be not afraid. Matthew 14:27


Isaiah Baltzell (1832–1893)

Words: Is­ai­ah Balt­zell, in the New Star­ry Crown, ed­it­ed by Al­dine Kief­fer (Sing­ers Glen, Vir­gin­ia: Rue­bush-Kief­fer, 1877).

Music: Al­dine S. Kief­fer (🔊 pdf nwc).

Aldine S. Kieffer (1840–1904)


When the storm in its fu­ry
On Ga­li­lee fell,
And lift­ed its wa­ters on high,
And the faith­less dis­ci­ples
Were bound in the spell,
Jesus whis­pered, Fear not, it is I.


It is I, it is I;
Fear not, trem­bling one, It is I.
In the midst of the storm,
In the midst of the gloom,
Fear not, trem­bling one, It is I.

The storm could not bu­ry
That word in the wave,
’Twas taught thro’ the tem­pest to fly;
It shall reach His dis­ci­ples
In ev­ery clime,
Saying, Be not afraid, it is I.


When the spir­it is brok­en
With sor­row and care,
And com­fort is rea­dy to die,
Then the dark­ness shall pass,
And the sun­shine ap­pear,
By the life giv­ing word, It is I.


When death is at hand,
And the cot­tage of clay
Is left with a tre­mu­lous sigh,
The gra­cious Re­deem­er
Will light all the way,
With the soul cheer­ing word, It is I.


When the ri­ver is passed,
And the glo­ries un­known
Burst forth on the won­der­ing eye,
He will wel­come, en­cour­age,
And com­fort His own,
Saying, Be not afraid, it is I.
