Scripture Verse

She brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7


Words: Hein­rich von Lau­fen­berg (1390–1460) (Ach lieb­er Herre Je­su Christ). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by George R. Wood­ward, The Cow­ley car­ol Book, 1901–19, alt.

Music: 15th Cen­tu­ry tune in the Phrygian Mode, har­mo­ny by George Wood­ward (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of von Lau­fen­berg or Wood­ward (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


An in­fant lay with­in a shed,
Where ox and ass were tied and fed;
Hard by there stood a maid­en mild;
’Twas Ma­ry, mo­ther to the Child.


My God, my Lord, Je­sus,
’Twas He was cra­dled thus.

With voic­es sweet in awe to Him
There sung a choir of se­ra­phim,
Praise, wor­ship, glo­ry, loud they cry,
To God whose king­dom fills the sky.


The herds, when they there­of heard say,
Anon with glad­ness went their way
To Beth­lem; when they found Him there,
That no­ble Child, full fain they were.


A bright star at the self-same tide
Was by the three good kings es­pied:
Afar from east­ern land they fare;
A good­ly pre­sent each doth bear.


Before yon babe, of high de­gree,
They kneel and pray on bend­ed knee,
Presenting gifts with re­ver­ence,
Of gold, and myrrh, and frank­in­cense.


Then Her­od King, in mood un­mild,
Assayed to slay the roy­al Child;
Fell ma­ny a babe at his com­mand,
But Christ was safe in Egypt-land.


When thir­ty years were ful­ly past
This In­fant, He was crossed at last,
Was dead, and bur­ied tomb with­in,
That man eter­nal life might win.


But, on the third day, no­thing else,
He rose again, as Gos­pel tells:
Ascended to His Fa­ther-land,
There sit­teth He at God’s right hand.
