Scripture Verse

Here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come. Hebrews 13:14


Words & Mu­sic: R. Ma­ri­on Burt, Sweet­est and Best 1900 (🔊 pdf nwc).

R. Marion Burt (1858–1923)


I’m seek­ing a home in the man­sions above,
Where I can abide with the Sav­ior I love,
And sing the sweet song all the glo­ri­fied sing,
While cast­ing their crowns at the feet of their king.


By faith I can see my Sav­ior’s sweet smile,
And hear His sweet voice, Come high­er, My child;
So faith­ful and true ’mid cares and dis­tress,
Enter in­to My joy! par­take of My rest.

I’m seek­ing a home thro’ tri­als se­vere;
But grace will sus­tain when tri­als ap­pear;
I’ll la­bor and pray and dai­ly press on,
E’er trust­ing the Lord, He’ll not leave me alone.


I’m seek­ing a home in the man­sions above,
Conducted along by the hea­ven­ly Dove.
What rap­ture is mine when I think of that bliss!
What com­fort I find in a pi­lot like this!


I’m seek­ing a home where loved ones have gone,
Who fought the good fight and the vic­to­ry won;
And when I’m re­leased from sor­row and pain,
All glo­ry to God! I shall see them again!
