Scripture Verse

Whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he. Proverbs 16:20


Words & Mu­sic: Mabeth Kil­gore, 1920 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Kil­gore (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


I love the name of Je­sus,
’Tis pre­cious to re­peat;
His love to me is won­der­ful,
With rest and peace com­plete.
When in the time of tri­al
He bids my sha­dows flee,
And drives away all doubt and fear,
By say­ing, Come un­to Me.


I’m hap­py in Je­sus, He makes me whole,
I’m hap­py in Je­sus, He saves my soul;
I’m hap­py in Je­sus from morn­ing till ev­en­ing,
For Je­sus has made me whole.

My path seemed dark as mid­night,
The surg­es seemed to roll;
I knew eter­ni­ty was long,
And no­thing could save my soul.
’Twas then the Sav­ior found me,
And washed my sins away;
He filled my soul with joy and peace;
I’m hap­py, yes, night and day.


I’m hap­py now in Je­sus,
His blood has made me free;
The pe­nal­ty for sin He paid,
When hang­ing up­on the tree.
Come now, for you may trust Him,
And give to Him your heart;
He stands with lov­ing out­stretched hands,
And longs to His love im­part.
