Scripture Verse

Which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Luke 14:28


Andrew Byers (1869–1952)

Words: Will­iam J. Hen­ry, 1907.

Music: Ber­nal Heights me­lo­dy by Will­iam Hen­ry, har­mo­ny by An­drew L. By­ers (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Hen­ry (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


When first I start­ed to seek the Lord,
I’m glad I count­ed the cost;
I ful­ly mea­sured to Je­sus’ word,
I’m glad I count­ed the cost.


I’ve paid the price and ob­tained the prize,
He saved my soul that was lost;
And now my trea­sures are in the skies;
I’m glad I count­ed the cost.

I laid my sor­rows at Je­sus’ feet,
I’m glad I count­ed the cost;
And now I’ve plea­sures so pure and sweet,
I’m glad I count­ed the cost.


I’ve bid fare­well to this world of sin,
I’m glad I count­ed the cost;
And now my Je­sus abides with­in,
I’m glad I count­ed the cost.


Although the tri­als seem hard to bear,
I’m glad I count­ed the cost;
I now my burd­ens with Je­sus share,
I’m glad I count­ed the cost.


’Twill not be long till the Lord shall come,
I’m glad I count­ed the cost;
And bear my soul to that heav’n­ly home,
I’m glad I count­ed the cost.
